“Fear of Missing Out 1” (detail)

“Fear of Missing Out 1” (detail)

This device takes about three weeks to draw a circle on the gallery wall. You miss it because it goes too slow.

“Fear of Missing Out 2” (detail)

“Fear of Missing Out 2” (detail)

This device draws a circle on the gallery wall in less than a second but it does it at a random time within a three week span. You miss it because you probably aren’t there.

“Question for the Library” (detail)

“Question for the Library” (detail)

A 16 foot mast holds a large paper, wood and thread wing designed to turn on subtle indoor air currents.

“Air Clock” (detail)

“Air Clock” (detail)

Two lightweight single-blade wings turn on subtle indoor air currents.

“Air Query” (detail)

“Air Query” (detail)

A single blade paper and wood wing with an emu egg as a counterweight turns in subtle indoor air currents.


I rented the same studio from 2003 to 2017. Finally digging out of the place was emotional, geological and cathartic. In a deep neglected corner I uncovered a few music box movements with a decade of dust. Dustmusic. J Butler collaborated in this image.



